Easiest Way To Make Corn on the Cob

Easiest Method

Cook Time is 3 Minutes

This video shows you the easiest way to prepare corn on the cob.  All you need is a microwave and 3 minutes.

  1. Find a corn with a husk
  2. Put it in your microwave on high for 3 minutes
  3. Cut tip and slide out


Standard Method

Cook Time is 5-7 Minutes

This videos shows you the traditional way to prepare corn on the cob.  If your corn does not have a husk, this method is the easiest way.  All you need is to boil water and boil the corn for 5 to 7 minutes.

  1. Boil water
  2. Place corn in the boiling water for 5-7 minutes
  3. Carefully remove the corn from the water


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Recipe Name
Easiest Way to Make Corn on the Cob
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