The Story of Deandre Gary Siggers

DeAndre Gary Siggers or D’Andre Siggas or dcigs was once  a famous Youtube celebrity for his “Angry Black Man’ series.  As the years went on, he lost his focus to making “Slogs” where he continued to complain about Youtube not paying him enough.


The Rise of dcigs

As mentioned in his video, his fame came in 2009 after his grandma has passed away.  Here is his most popular video of him ranting about McDonalds.

He made countless videos of him prank calling and ranting.  This even got the attention of Eminem and Dane Cook.  He even went on a trip to Florida one time to meet and perform in front of Kevin Hart.  In one of his videos, he states he was making over 6 figures which is nothing to laugh about for a 21 year old.  He even had a meetup for his fans.  With a loyal fanbase, funny videos, a supportive girlfriend and a decent salary, his future was looking bright.


The Fall of DeAndre Siggers

Youtube eventually caught on to Youtube view frauds and have installed a new algorithm to discount invalid views.  DeAndre has lost a lot of his views and his Youtube income has diminished.  Since then, DeAndre started “slogs” which is a video blog about his life.  Most of the videos consists of him ranting about Youtube’s “glitch.”  This caused a snowball effect.  The fans that enjoyed his “Angry Black Man” videos left as Deandre continued to make videos about not making enough money.

Here is a video of D’Andre yelling at Chase for having only $9 in the bank account.

In his “slogs”, he’s seen being evicted from his apartment and even going to jail.

Deandre also used indiegogo to get his items like his Playstation 3 out of the pawn.

Deandre spends a great deal of time addressing each and every one of his comments and comments that touch his nerves one bit will be deleted and blocked.


dcigs today

He still uploads videos.  It’s still a mix of ranting about Youtube or other partnerships that isn’t paying him enough or begging his watchers to buy a merchandise from him.


D'Andre dcigs Siggers Story
Article Name
D'Andre dcigs Siggers Story
DeAndre Gary Siggers or D'Andre Siggas or dcigs was once a famous Youtube celebrity for his "Angry Black Man' series. As the years went on, he lost his focus to making "Slogs" where he continued to complain about Youtube not paying him enough.
