Does the Aeron Chair fit in a Tesla Model 3?
I wanted to buy a Herman Miller Aeron Chair from a local seller.
Local seller had the Aeron chair for only $600 while it would easily be $1300+ if I were to buy it new.
The problem? I drive a Tesla Model 3.
Does it fit?
The answer is that, it fits sideways with no issues. This was for an Aeron Chair Size B, which means Size A should fit no problem too. I’d say it wasn’t that hard so a Size C should fit too.
I didn’t even have to scoot up all the way
Make sure to bring towels to cushion your wheels so it doesn’t damage the leather seats
Another close up for you
So the answer is that an Herman Miller Aeron Chair WILL fit inside a Tesla Model 3 with no issue. Just bring some towels to make sure you don’t scratch anything.
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